Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Recent Sales in Reading, Vermont

The Stone Chimney on Stone Chimney Road in Reading, Vermont.

Ok, since November 27, 2007 there have been 10 sales in town. 5 of these were raw land: 7.3 acres on Stone Chimney Road Extension for $44,000.

168 acres on Grasshopper Lane: $575,000

20.9 acres on Spear Cemetary Road: $290,000

355 acres on Hale Hollow Rd: $725,000

514 acres on Grasshopper Lane: $1,200,000

5 House or camps:

852 Rt 106: $237,000

162 Caper Street: $235,000

441 Fox Run Drive: $207,000

Off No. Puckerbrush: $$250,000

299 Malagash RD.: $640,000

Not a bad 3 months, especially for the dead of winter.