Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Homes sold in Woodstock, Reading, and Brownsville, Vermont.

Sometimes in the dead of winter we need a whistful reminder of a gentler season. Mt. Ascutney as seen from a hill off Sheddsville Road in Brownsville, Vermont.

In a recent post I got you I listed the final sales tally for Quechee. These are the final numbers for Brownsville, Woodstock, and Reading, Vermont. Keep in mind, these are HOMES sold by Realtors through the Multiple Listing Service. They represent the majority of homes sold, but not all. They serve as a good basis for examining the market.

TOWN 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003


Brownsville 16 10 14 12 16

Woodstock 39 53 50 61 36

Reading 13 11 9 8 8

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